Whether you have one goal or several, if you are not precise about your aim, you will miss. Working on a skill occasionally will not make you an expert. Regular, frequent practice should result in improvement. If not, you may need to set a new target. The virtues of goal setting are being touted by many leaders in the professional arena. Determining if a goal is realistic is really not an indicator of potential success. The dedication and investment allotted to see the dream realized will anchor the target in place. It may be time to set a new target, replace it, or even enlarge it. As a writer, I have learned that consistent commitment to blogging, social media, and a dedicated writing schedule produces multiple books and expands my audience. If we only aim to succeed occasionally, we are merely playing a game of chance.
If you are in the business of selling floppy disks right now, you probably have very few customers. When we restrict ourselves from exploring new opportunities, we may be left trying to revive a business that has long flatlined. Some people have narrowed their scope to one specific thing. Most people in business understand the need to diversify so that progress can be made in case the "basket with the eggs" gets lost. There are many who have become serial entrepreneurs because they understand the concept of implementing great systems beyond simply having a great product. Harness the power of your mind to conquer new terrain and gain increase in many areas. Why be defined by a limited perspective? Use your current business model to improve your future prospects. Stay open to innovation by engaging with people who think beyond popular trends and hot topics. Forward thinking will allow your business to survive and adapt in spite of changes, failures, and expanding technologies. Resist the urge to immediately reject new ideas and emerging concepts. Remaining open will keep you in business even if you have to change the menu. Some people are not necessarily the best at what they aspire to be. Others are very talented, but seem to be oblivious to the value of it. Why is it that mediocrity makes it to the mainstream while brilliance seems to remain secluded? A lot of this is related to the way a person thinks. Even in the Bible, there was a parable about a widow who kept making her request before the judge to the point where he was worn down. Eventually, the judge granted her petition because of her insistence (Luke 18:2-5). The best man does not always win! Although it seems natural to pursue the role for which we are most talented, there are countless cases of people who are "under-qualified" for the job but land the opportunity anyway. Don't allow laziness or doubt to remove your contribution from the equation. Multiply your talents, be strategic with them and allow the world to experience the benefits of Divine design. Stay the course! Some people resist progress. Although every trend is not to be followed, there are certain shifts that take place that are too major to miss. Technology is moving about as fast as the speed of light. If we refuse to move with the tide, we will be left stranded on the shoreline. Whatever industry or business you find yourself in, you must update your skills, knowledge and application in order to stay relevant. If you hit a wall or ceiling that prevents you from moving forward, it is up to you to exit the building and find something else to do. Moving when it is too late is about as good as not moving at all. Celebrities, preachers, politicians, leaders, and businesses will face the reality of being replaced or outdated if there is no evolution in the way that they think and manage themselves. Many inherit sudden success, only to realize down the road that they have been designated a one-hit wonder or one-trick pony. Want to avoid being featured on "Where Are They Now?" Understand the times and maximize your moment. When that window closes, seize your new opportunity by preparing now for what is coming next. How you refresh your world view will also impact how you are viewed. See yourself clearly before time runs out! Influence is a two-way street. We have the ability to influence others just as we can be influenced. Celebrities, preachers, authors, parents, teachers, politicians and popular people tend to have greater levels of influence because of the amount of lives that they are able to reach. Trying to expand your influence by forcing yourself on others will backfire. If you want to make a large impact, make a difference in someone's life. Reaching people can happen in person, via social media, through writing, by speaking, through the media or in passing. Some will be influenced just by watching us without our direct efforts. Leaders must provide information that benefits a larger population of people in order to build greater influence. I recently told my students, "Instead of trying to stand out, be outstanding!" Excellence will gain attention. Those of us who desire to make a greater impact will usually reap added benefits if we are a blessing instead of expecting one. Continue to enhance your gift and it will make room for you. How large that room is depends on how you submit to the development of what you have to contribute. |
Rekesha PittmanAuthor. Entrepreneur. Coach. Speaker. Archives
January 2015